I'd suggest using Compojure for your first project - its fairly widely
used, is easy to pick up, and has a growing set of docs.

I'm not sure that Webjure is maintained anymore (i.e. no commits to
its repo in a few months).

Weld is still a work in progress - I'm trying to stabilize it now but
it needs some more time.

- Mark

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:08 AM, James Reeves
<weavejes...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 21, 9:39 pm, Frank <ffai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am interested in trying to use Clojure to develop web-based
>> applications.  Can someone point me to any Clojure libraries that have
>> been written that I can use.  Thanks.
> There's Compojure, which looks like this:
> (defservlet demo-servlet
>  (GET "/"
>    (html [:h1 "Hello World]))
> ( http://github.com/weavejester/compojure )
> Weld, which I believe looks like this (Mark, please correct me if I've
> misrepresented Weld):
> (def config
>  {'weld.routing/*router*
> (compiled-router [['index-page :index :get "/"]])})
> (defn index-page [req]
>  (respond (html [:h1 "Hello World"])))
> ( http://github.com/mmcgrana/weld )
> And Webjure, which looks like this:
> (defh "/" [] {:output :html}
>  `(:h1 "Hello World"))
> ( http://code.google.com/p/webjure )
> Out of the three frameworks, it's possible that Compojure is the most
> popular: at least, I've seen more tutorials and sites written with it.
> But since I'm the author of Compojure, I can't exactly claim I'm
> unbiased :)
> - James
> >

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