Hi e,

I'm still learning the basics, very much like you( I guess you are ahead of
me in Clojure). However, I have a question for you and not an answer to your
questions. Why do you have doall here (def l1 (doall (take 50000 (repeatedly
#(rand-int 3000))))) . From my little knowledge of Clojure, take 50000 would
cause 'repeatedly' to be limited to 50000 times and (repeatedly #(rand-int
3000) is an argument of take , so (take 50000 (repeatedly #(rand-int 3000)
given same results as your  (doall (take 50000 (repeatedly #(rand-int
3000)))) and by adding doall  you are just increasing 'noise', that's my 2
Doall , do, dorun are used in calling  multiple functions(I hope am like
:)), like (do (doo noot) (move "niger delta")) .........


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