So far this is fantastic! And I haven't even got around to playing with the
restart mechanism :) I'm using it in Spinoza to provide contextual errors
(malformed slot list, missing base class etc.).  I notice the contrib
libraries in general are very good at throwing exceptions so that consumers
have some idea of what is going on.  error-kit one ups this practice by
providing a standardized way to define your errors up front and presents a
definition system that removes the need to instantiate ugly Java Exceptions
inline with your code.
(defn protocol-fn [protocol-name fn-name]
  (let [protocol-keyword (symbol-to-keyword protocol-name)
dispatch (partial protocol-dispatch protocol-keyword)]
       (defmulti ~fn-name ~dispatch)
       (defmethod ~fn-name [:spinoza/object nil]
 (raise *missing-protocol-method-error*
 ~'obj ~(str protocol-name) ~(str fn-name))))))

Where the error is defined as you've described:

(deferror *missing-protocol-method-error* [*spinoza-error*]
  [obj protocol-name method-name]
  {:msg (str (:tag obj)
     " class does not implement "
     " from protocol "


That said I do have one minor annoyance and that is the need to leave an
empty bracket if you want to create a new error without inheriting from a
previously defined error.  Very minor.  Will provide feedback on restarts
when I get there.

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