Does Clojure have an analog of Lisp's MEMBER function?
(member 'a '(c a f e b a b e)) => (A F E B A B E)

(I'm more interested in it's use as a predicate rather than the fact  
that it returns a sublist when true.)

"find" and "contains?" are listed under the Maps section of the data  
structures page ( so no good  
with lists. I can't think of any other synonyms.

The documentation for "some" suggests this:
(some (fn [elt] (= elt 'a)) '(a b c)) => true
That's pretty verbose, and even the shortcut is kinda long:
(some #(= % 'a) '(a b c)) => true

Although this alternative is alright:
(some #{'a} '(a b c)) => a

Is that the Clojure version of MEMBER?

David Sletten

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