On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:21 AM, Tassilo Horn <tass...@member.fsf.org> wrote:
> Investigated it a bit more (doing the algorithm step by step in the
> repl) and now I know what's the culprit:  The `expt' function from the
> math contrib library is dead slow.

Dead slow?  Compared to what?  A naive expt function just multiplies
the base over and over again, but the library certainly doesn't do
that.  The expt function in the contrib library does bit-shifting and
bit-anding on the power number to figure out a minimal number of
multiplications to do.  Certainly you're going to be limited a bit by
the fact that Java's BigInteger isn't the fastest implementation, and
Clojure does a bit of dispatching to handle each multiplication, but
the overall expt strategy is fast, so I just don't see how it could be
categorized as "dead slow".

> For number theory you often need things like
>    (mod (expt n exp) m)

Yes, and to make things like this fast, the trick is to perform the
mod at each multiplication step, rather than waiting until the end.
That is why Java's BigInteger library includes modPow, which you can
use directly from Clojure.  If that's a better fit for your
application, you should use that instead.

Or, you could create your own modPow by copying the expt-int function
from the contrib library, and wrapping mod around each multiplication.
 This might be faster than Java's version if the modulus is small
because BigInteger math can then be avoided altogether.

Incidentally, the BigInteger library includes an isProbablePrime
function as well, which again, you can just use directly from Clojure.

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