On Apr 4, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Mark Triggs wrote:

> Hi David,
> Quite a few times when I've felt the need for this sort of thing I've
> found that laziness comes to the rescue.  Would something like this
> sort of approach work for you?
> (defn possibilities [word pos]
>   "All variations of `word' with letters from 'a' to 'z' inserted at
> `pos'"
>   (let [[beg end] (split-at pos word)
>       letters (map char (range (int \a) (inc (int \z))))]
>     (map #(apply str (concat beg [%] end)) letters)))
> (defn all-possibilities [word]
>   (for [n (range (inc (count word)))
>       pos (possibilities word n)]
>     pos))
> ;; Since all-possibilities produces a lazy seq we don't need short
> circuiting anyway...
> (some #(binary-search word) (all-possibilities "hello"))

Mark and Jim,

Thanks for your responses. You both make an excellent point about  
functional code not often needing explicit loops (and even being a  
sign of design problems). My example is decidedly non-functional (I  
don't really like that term...My code works--it does function! :-) ).  
It was kind of a first cut in a more imperative style because I  
thought it might be more efficient destructively modifying a char  
array rather than copying lots of substrings. I intended to attempt a  
more functional version next.

I was more curious about the general case, but you guys may be right  
that nested loops just aren't needed.

Your example looks useful, Mark. In fact, for the real program I do  
want to collect all possible suggestions rather than terminating with  
the first one. So I'll be dealing with sequences anyway.

David Sletten

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