Cool! Rather then waiting, you could host it in the interim on GitHub or
Google Code so people like myself can submit patches (which I'm more than
willing to do) ;) Just a thought...
A couple of things:

 (javascript (var x)))

I would expect this to convert to:

var x;

It does not.

 (javascript (new Object {prop1 "a" prop2 "b"})))
> var MyClass = new(ClassGenerator, {prop1:"a",prop2:"b"});

Instead of ,

var MyClass = new ClassGenerator({prop1:"a", prop2:"b"});

This idiom is essential to MooTools, a JS library I use quite a bit.

The other thought that I had was how to use macros with js-gen? The
javascript macro pretty much captures everything and doesn't allow macros to
be embedded. Seems like this would be quite handy.

I've been contemplating writing a system which generates tagged javascript
so that it can be sanely debugged if generated server side via Clojure.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:07 AM, jim <> wrote:

> I'll be glad to support it if people choose to use it and report
> issues. My plans to use are still on my todo list, things just keep
> getting put on top of them. One of which is to get my own server set
> up to host this and some other projects.
> I'll check out those asserts and make them so they're not dependent on
> order.  Have you seen anything else that needs to be fixed?
> Thanks
> Jim
> >

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