On Apr 20, 2009, at 12:19 PM, Michael Hunger wrote:

> Is it possible to use :while to shortcut a for macro when a certain  
> number of yiels have happened?
> e.g. (for [x (range 1000) :when (= (rem x) 1) :while (number of  
> yields <= 10)]
> so i want only the first 10 results.

Is it possible? Yes...
(let [yields (ref 0)]
   (for [x (range 1000) :when (when (odd? x) (dosync (ref-set yields  
(inc @yields))) true) :while (<= @yields 10)] x)) =>
(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19)

Is it advisable? No.

> Or should I just use (take 10 ) on the for ?

Definitely yes.

David Sletten

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