> Has anyone out there written an Apache POI wrapper yet?

I started to (for Excel processing), only to abandon it in disgust.  
POI is just too incomplete: I have to choose between loading  
everything into memory (impossible), or essentially parsing XLSX  
myself (so what's the point of using POI?) in a different fashion to  
XLS. There's no streaming API for XLSX.

I switched to JavaCSV, simply requiring that the input be pre- 
converted. Fine for my situation.

For writing Excel, it's probably worth the time investment. For small  
worksheets it's fine. For non-trivial data, particularly in XLSX -- I  
was dealing with a 230,000-row table -- it's more trouble than it's  

Sorry to be a downer :/

Some scratch code from me -- sorry it's neither tidy nor complete, but  
I don't have the time right now. Hope it helps.

;; Lots of redundancy here from experimentation.
(ns com.foo.xls
   (:use clojure.contrib.duck-streams)
   (:use clojure.contrib.pprint)
   (:use clojure.contrib.seq-utils)

   (:require [clojure.zip :as zip])
   (:require [clojure.xml :as xml])
   (:require [clojure.contrib.lazy-xml :as lazy-xml])
   (:require [clojure.contrib.zip-filter :as zf])
   (:require [clojure.contrib.zip-filter.xml :as zfx])
   (:import (com.csvreader CsvReader))
      (org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem POIFSFileSystem)
      (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel HSSFWorkbook)
      (org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel HSSFRequest
      (org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel Workbook
      (org.apache.poi.hslf.model Sheet)
      (java.io FileInputStream

(defn sheets
   "Returns a lazy sequence of sheets in the workbook."
   ([#^Workbook wb]
    (sheets wb (.getNumberOfSheets wb) 0))
   ([#^Workbook wb c i]
      (when (< i c)
        (cons (.getSheetAt wb i)
              (sheets wb c (inc i)))))))

(defmacro with-workbook [[wb path] & body]
   `(with-open [in# (new FileInputStream ~path)]
     (let [~wb (WorkbookFactory/create in#)]

;; Another approach:
(defmacro do-xls-rows [[path] & process-record]
   `(let [pr#
          (proxy [HSSFListener] []
            (processRecord [#^Record ~'record]
      (with-open [in# (new FileInputStream ~path)]
        (let [poifs# (new POIFSFileSystem in#)]
          (with-open [din# (.createDocumentInputStream poifs#  
            (let [req# (new HSSFRequest)
                       factory# (new HSSFEventFactory)]
              (.addListenerForAllRecords req# pr#)
              (.processEvents factory# req# din#)))))))

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