
Am 22.08.2009 um 16:59 schrieb Jarkko Oranen:

You *really* shouldn't do nested defns. They're misleading, as defns
*always* cause a global change.
Just use separate functions.


Hm, I wonder if there's a way to avoid calling java. But if you do, I
think you should use the form
(.divide num x0new digits round-mode) instead of . directly. It's
lispier and easier to read.

I would expect +, / and friends to work suffciently smart. However
I don't know about the additional arguments.

Though I think setting the math context would be a better solution.
 [*math-context* (java.math.MathContext. 5 java.math.RoundingMode/
 (* 5M 1.1111105M))
gives 5.5556M

Have look at with-precision.


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