Hi! I have found two issues which stops me from using function

(ns code.serialfn
        (:refer-clojure :exclude (fn)))

(defn- save-env [env form]
  (if env
    `(let ~(vec (apply concat (for [[name local] env]
                                [name (.eval (.init local))])))

(defmacro fn [& sigs]
  `(with-meta (clojure.core/fn ~...@sigs)
     {:type ::serializable-fn
      ::source (quote ~(save-env &env &form))}))

(defmethod print-method ::serializable-fn [o ^Writer w]
  (print-method (::source (meta o)) w))

; here are some examples

; gives null pointer

(prn-str { :kozak (fn [z]
        [z (fn ([] (println "abc")) ([a] (println a))) ]) })

; gives can't eval locals - unsupported operation

(defn pipe
 ([] (pipe java.util.Collections/EMPTY_LIST))
 (let [q (java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue. col)]
   [(take-while #(not (= % q)) (repeatedly #(.take q) ))
     (fn ([e] (.put q e))
       ([] (.put q q)))])))

any help?


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