To me this application screams destructuring.  Assume you want to
(reduce + ...) a collection of sequences.  I'd lead off with a simple
vector mapping operation, and the reduce over the following sequence
like so:

  (fn [[acc-x acc-y] [x y]]
    [(+ acc-x x) (+ acc-y y)])
    (map vector [1 2 3] [4 5 6]))
[6 15]

Take your problem and adapt accordingly :)

On Jun 11, 3:59 am, Nathan Sorenson <> wrote:
> Is there a way to fold over multiple sequences, in the same way that
> 'map' can apply a multi-parameter function over several seqs? In other
> words, is there a function like this:
> (defn reduce*
>         [f val & colls]
>         (reduce (fn [acc args] (apply f acc args))
>                 val
>                 (apply map vector colls)))
> That behaves like this:
> (reduce* assoc {} [:one :another] (iterate inc 1))
> > {:one 1, :another 2}

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