Hi Glen,

Finding the *first* index isn't very Clojurish, what you want is to find *all* 
the indexes, lazily. Then if you want the first one, just call first.

(use '[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :only (positions)])
(positions #{99} [0 99 3334 53 2 5 99 2 55 63])
-> (1 6)


> I have a vector of numbers
> [0 99 3334 53 2 5 99 2 55 63]
> I'd like to find the first index of a particular value.  For example
> if the value was 99 then I want to return 1, b/c the index of 99 is
> 1.  I can do this with a loop/recur structure comparing each value in
> the list to my desired value, however am wondering if there isn't a
> built-in for doing so??  thanks again!
> -- 
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