On Oct 7, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Stefan Rohlfing wrote:

> Dear Clojure Group,
> Following an Enlive tutorial I wanted to implement a function 'd-map'
> that takes an arbitrary number of [:key (list of values)] parameters
> like this:
> (d-map [:headline ["this" "is" "me"] ]
>           [:points [1 2 3] ]
>           [:comments [10 20 30] ])
> and returns a collection of [:key value] vectors where each value is
> grouped with its respective key:
> [ [:headline "this"] [:headline "is"] [:headline "me"]
>  [:points 1] [:points 2] [:points 3]
>  [:comments 10] [:comments 20] [:comments 30] ]
> I could only come up with the following implementation for 'd-map'.
> Although it works it just does not 'feel' elegant of even very
> functional:
> (defn d-map [& kfps]
>  (let [keys     (map first kfps)
>        fns       (map second kfps)]
>    (loop [keys keys fns fns res []]
>      (if (seq keys)
>       (recur (rest keys) (rest fns)
>                   (into res (map (fn [x] [(first keys) x]) (first
> fns))))
>       res))))

If you treat a map as a sequence it will yield the vectors you are handling 
(map identity {:a [1 2 3] :b [4 5 6]}) => ([:a [1 2 3]] [:b [4 5 6]])

So it might be more convenient to pass in a map and do something like this:
(defn d-map [m]
  (apply concat
         (map (fn [[key val-list]]
                (map (fn [val] [key val])

(d-map {:headline ["this" "is" "me"]
        :points [1 2 3]
        :comments [10 20 30]})
([:headline "this"] [:headline "is"] [:headline "me"] [:points 1] [:points 2] 
[:points 3] [:comments 10] [:comments 20] [:comments 30])

Have all good days,
David Sletten

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