The "String a=i+"another word";" is also compiled into using
 StringBuilder, see the byte code by javap -v:

      stack=5, locals=5, args_size=1
         0: invokestatic  #2                  // Method
         3: lstore_1
         4: iconst_0
         5: istore_3
         6: iload_3
         7: ldc           #3                  // int 10000000
         9: if_icmpge     39
        12: new           #4                  // class
        15: dup
        16: invokespecial #5                  // Method
        19: iload_3
        20: invokevirtual #6                  // Method
        23: ldc           #7                  // String another word
        25: invokevirtual #8                  // Method
        28: invokevirtual #9                  // Method
        31: astore        4
        33: iinc          3, 1
        36: goto          6
        39: getstatic     #10                 // Field
        42: invokestatic  #2                  // Method
        45: lload_1
        46: lsub
        47: l2d
        48: ldc2_w        #11                 // double 1.0E9d
        51: ddiv
        52: invokevirtual #13                 // Method

I think the performance hotspot in this simple example is the object
allocate/gc  and function calling overhead.The str function create
an anonymous function every time to concat argument strings:

(^String [x & ys]
     ((fn [^StringBuilder sb more]
          (if more
            (recur (. sb  (append (str (first more)))) (next more))
            (str sb)))
      (new StringBuilder (str x)) ys)))

And we all know that a function in clojure is a java object allocated in
heap.And another overhead is calling the function,it's virtual method.

By watching the gc statistics using 'jstat -gcutil <pid> 2000', i found
that the clojure sample ran about 670 minor gc,but the java sample is only
120 minor gc.

A improved clojure version,it's performance is closed to java sample:

user=> (time (dotimes [n 10000000] (-> (StringBuilder.) (.append n)
(.append "another word") (.toString))))
"Elapsed time: 1009.942 msecs"

2014-03-01 18:02 GMT+08:00 bob <>:

> Case :
> clojure verison:
> (time (dotimes [n 10000000] (str n "another word"))) ;; take about 5000msec
> java version
>         long time = System.nanoTime();
>         for(int i=0 ; i<10000000 ;i++){
>             String a=i+"another word";
>         }
>       System.out.println(System.nanoTime()-time);
> The java version take about 500 msecs, I thought it might be caused by the
> str implementation which is using string builder, and it might not be the
> best choice in the case of no much string to concat, and then I replace
> "another word" with 5 long strings as the parameter, however no surprise.
> I just wonder what make the difference, or how to find the difference.
> Thanks
> On Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:26:38 PM UTC+8, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
>> I have seen (and I keep seeing) a ton of Java code that performs poorly.
>> Empirically, it's equally easy to write a slow Java app. You always need a
>> discerning programmer to get good performance from any language/tool.
>> Numbers like 1/4 or 1/10 can be better discussed in presence of the
>> use-cases and perf test cases. Most of the problems you listed can be
>> mitigated by `-server` JIT, avoiding reflection, transients, loop-recur,
>> arrays, perf libraries and some Java code.
>> Shantanu
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