On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 11:34:08PM -0400, kangta123 wrote:
> Hi All:
>       I found some of test cases can not run successfully, but in 2.2.y is
> ok that i have been modified some test cases according to my environment.
> So i want know if i can use BVT in 2.2.y  to test 3.0 Cloudstack.
>       Thanks.

3.0 and 2.2.y tests are more or less similar. The tests in the apache
repo are all 3.0 tests and those would be the ones we will have to fix
for the Apache CloudStack releases.

Could you tell me which tests specifically are failing? I have a
couple of fixes with me in the firewall and PF tests that I will
submit patches to.


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