This is a great idea.  As I was playing with the CLVM stuff I began
thinking "this will get really hairy if they keep adding new types".
Your proposal and outline makes sense to me, but I'm not a core
developer :-)

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Edison Su <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>         Seems a lot of people are interested in how to add new storage 
> support into CloudStack. But frankly speaking, the current code is not well 
> suited for such kind of tasks, in term of maintainability and flexibility.
>         Now it's time to improve or rewrite((if necessary) the existing 
> storage code. Here are the goals I want to achieve in the next few months:
>                 1. Easy to add new primary storage with the help of storage 
> plugin framework.
>                 2. Separate backup and snapshot. Today, snapshot in 
> CloudStack is more like backup, we need real snapshot functionality, e.g. vm 
> based/block based snapshot, revert a VM from a snapshot etc.
>                 3. Easy to add backup storage, e.g. S3/swift etc.
>                 4. Configurability. Should be easy to add configuration for 
> each storage: such as, the scope of the storage(zone-wide, cluster, or group 
> of clusters), what hypervisors it can support, what's the storage allocation 
> policy etc.
>         Above are the main goals, but are not limited to. If you have other 
> ideas/complains/requirements about this topic, please speak louder:)
>         Following is the plan to actually implement above goals(in pre-alpha 
> stage though):
>         the diagram:
>                                    |----->| storage service   |
>                  storage orchestration |----->| backup service    |  ---> 
> storage plugins
>                                    |----->| image service     |
>                                    |----->| snapshot service  | ----> 
> snapshot plugins
>      2. the functionality for each component:
>                 a. storage orchestration: It provides storage interface for 
> other components in CloudStack, and coordinate between the 
> storage/snapshot/backup/image services.
>                 b. storage service or primary storage service: Its main 
> purpose is to create VM volume on storage. It will provide the following 
> functionalities:
>                         ba1. storage life cycle management: How to add/delete 
> a storage into CS, how to put/cancel storage in maintenance mode, how to 
> disable/enable a storage pool
>                         ba2. volume life cycle management: how to 
> create/delete volumes on a storage, how to cleanup volumes, how to migrate 
> volumes
>                         ba3. the statistics of storage: the usage/IOPS etc.
>                         ba4. download template/iso into storage
>         c. snapshot service: provides interface to snapshot related 
> operations:
>                         ca1. snapshot lifecycle management: 
> create/delete/revert snapshot
>                         ca2. snapshot policy lifecycle management: 
> create/delete/execute snapshot policy,
>         d. backup service: provides interface to backup snapshot/volume to 
> backup storage.
>              The backup storage means it's a zone-wide storage, like the NFS 
> secondary storage we have today. The functionalities:
>                  da1. create/delete backup from a snapshot or volume
>                  da2. can have different backup strategies, automate? daily? 
> etc.
>         e. image service: provides template/iso/ import/export, copy 
> template/iso/volumes between zones:
>                 ea1. life cycle of template/iso management
>                 ea2. share template/iso/volume between zones
>         Both above services may need help from storage plugins, as the 
> storage plugin actually works on underneath storage itself.
>        The storage plugin will provide the following methods:
>            1. how to add/delete storage, how to enable/disable maintenance 
> mode etc.
>            2. how to create/delete/migrate volume on this storage. For 
> storage migration, the plugin needs to tell it supports vmotion like 
> capabliity or not, if not, storage service will delegate the storage 
> migration operation to backup service(like we did today, using secondary 
> storage a temparary place)
>            3. the statistics
>            4. how to copy volumes between different storages, e.g. when 
> downloading template from secondary storage to primary storage
>            5. the configurability of this storage:
>                       The scope of this storage, it can be zone-wide, or 
> group of clusters(for object storages like ceph/sheepdog/gluster etc), or 
> only for one cluster(NFS/VMFS/ISCSI etc)
>                       The hypervisors it can support
>                       what's the role? primary storage or secondary/backup 
> storage?
>                       what's the protocol it supports(NFS/ISCSI/LVM/CIFS etc)
>                       Local or shared storage
>                       only for data storage? EBS like storage
>                       The specific parameters need to config for this storage 
> type, e.g. ceph needs authentication information, or tuning paramters for 
> VMFS/NFS. Every time, when adding this storage type, users need to input this 
> kind of configuration parameters from UI/API.
>                       threshold, different storage may have different 
> used/total percentage ratio
>           snapshot plugin has the functionalities:
>            1. interface to create/delete/revert snapshot
>            2. backup snapshot to other storages (backup service will this 
> method)
>            2. configurability:
>                full/delta snapshot. If it's delta snapshot, need to know, 
> how/when to coalesce snapshot
>                supports backup snapshot to other storages?
>         Let's take a look at what a storage plugin will look like. For 
> example, Vendor A has storage that can be used as  primary storage, supports 
> snapshot, and only works on vmware per cluster. The vendor A's storage plugin 
> will implement both storage plugin interface and snapshot plugin interface. 
> It has the following meta data in the plugin:
>        storage plugin vendor signature: vendor A
>        protocol: ISCSI LUN per VM
>        scope: per cluster
>        supported hypervisor: vmware
>        role: primary storage
>        support backup: no
>        support snapshot: yes
>        support data disk only: no
>        configuration names: server ip, username, password
>       After this plugin registered into cloudstack, when user adding a 
> primary storage for a vmware cluster, UI will show the list of storage 
> plugins available for vmware cluster. If user clicks vendor A's plugin, then 
> configuration names of this plugin will be shown up on the UI. So user can 
> type server ip/username/password information, then add primary storage.
>       If it's done, then cloudstack can create VM on this storage. E.g. 
> during create VM, cloudstack will call storage orchestration, then call 
> storage service, then call this storage plugin to create a volume. Maybe in 
> this plugin, it will connect to storage, create a LUN, then send a command to 
> the vmware hypervisor resource to create a datastore for this LUN, then 
> create a volume on it, return to storage service. It's just an example, 
> different storage plugin may use different ways to create volume.
>         Does it make sense? Any comments? I haven't work out the interfaces 
> for each component yet, but I'd like to send the plan out at first, gather as 
> much input as possible from you guys.  Thanks!

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