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Review request for cloudstack, Devdeep Singh and Deepak Garg.


1. After AutoScaleVmGroup creation, the asynchronous jobs cannot be listed 
   This happened because there was a mapping missing between the job
   instance id and autoscale vm group instance id.
   Fix: Introducing the mapping between job instance id and autoscale entity
   instance ids.
2. Updated JobInstance type in VmGroup commands.
3. Removing "action" as a mandatory parameter for listAutoScalePolicies command.

This addresses bug CS-15783.


  api/src/com/cloud/api/commands/DeleteAutoScaleVmGroupCmd.java b97d734 
  api/src/com/cloud/api/commands/DisableAutoScaleVmGroupCmd.java fa90fff 
  api/src/com/cloud/api/commands/EnableAutoScaleVmGroupCmd.java 4b4d1c3 
  api/src/com/cloud/api/commands/ListAutoScalePoliciesCmd.java 1d61641 
  api/src/com/cloud/api/response/AsyncJobResponse.java 3644595 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/6899/diff/


1. Create AutoScalePolicyVmGroup through UI, the return values of query async 
job does not return errors.
2. Fire api request command = listAutoScalePolicies with id alone. 


Vijay Venkatachalam

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