On 9/4/12 10:21 AM, "Marcus Sorensen" <shadow...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I've been working on bringing KVM up to speed on the VPC stuff, and
>there are a few things I've come across that seem to be incomplete for
>Xen as well. I'd just like to get some feedback on the current state
>of VPC. I believe these are not specific issues to my implementation,
>but if they should be working please say something so I can find my
>static routes - currently there doesn't seem to be anything creating
>ip rules to point to the static_route table, nor does there seem to be
>anything creating the static_route table, although vpc_staticroute.sh
>attempts to modify it

Anthony, do we add static_route table automatically when the private
gateway is created?

>vpn - there is a script vpc_vpn_l2tp.sh, but I can't find anything
>actually utilizing it. I assume there is no working vpn support in any
>platform's Vpc implementation.

There is no RemoteAccessVPN support in VPC. We support S2S VPN only.

>password - I've seen some emails regarding this, that the password
>server doesn't seem to be set up for the various private nics

I'll put the fix to master branch today.

>network ACLs - The functional spec states that all outgoing traffic
>for guest networks is allowed, however I don't see any acls whatsoever
>when creating new tiers

I suspect it wasn't merged to master branch yet. Anthony, please do it.

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