I've got an issue with the CLVM on KVM support, it seems that the
patch disks are created on the fly when a system VM is started. If I
reboot a system VM 5 times I'll end up with 5 patch disks. I'm the one
who submitted the CLVM patch, and I don't see that there's much
difference between what we're doing with CLVM and what it does for
everything else, so I thought I'd ask:

Is this an issue for other backing stores as well (accumulating patch
disks for system VMs)? If not where is it handled?

Any suggestions on how to go about fixing it? I see I could
potentially hack into StopCommand, rebootVM/cleanupVM/stopVM, detect
the patch disk and lvremove it, but then again if it doesn't go down
on purpose (say a host crash) I'll still be leaking patch disks.

Is it safe to assume that any patch disk that's not currently open is
safe to delete (these are generated on the fly and not really tracked
anywhere in the database, right?)

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