> If we pass the following parameters with the API
> Email
> Firstname
> Lastname
> Username
> Password
> And not pass the 'account' parameter (or keep the 'account' parameter as 
> blank) then ,
> Should the user be created taking the account name same as the username? 
> (because this is the behavior as per the API Docs.)
> Or it should just return an error asking for the missing  'account' 
> parameter.?
For expected behaviour - account parameter should be required argument IMO. We 
can have different
accounts with the same username and it will cause confusions if accounts are as 

        Account: JohnSmith, User : JohnSmith
        Account: JohnS,  User: JohnSmith

User might intend to be registering into JohnS while registration
fails for account JohnSmith.


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