On 19-Sep-2012, at 8:27 PM, Pedro Navarro Pérez <pedn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've installed a fresh version of non-oss (from
> jenkins.cloudstack.org/job/build-4.0-nonoss-rhel63/) and It freezes
> when loading vSphere server:
> 2012-09-10 22:22:03,139 INFO  [utils.component.ComponentLocator]
> (main:null) Instantiating Adapter: VShpereServer
> Anyone has the same problem?

For the nonoss plugins to work, you're required to install the nonoss plugins 
dependency jars.

For VMWare, you're required to install vmware-vim, vmware-vim25, 
vmware-apputils jars. CloudStack nonoss expects them in /usr/share/java or 
within classpath.
Since, they are nonoss/proprietary you get them from VMWare/vSphere support.

Even then if that does not work, please share the logs. Find them in 

> Thanks

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