Hey Chip,

Perfectly alright with me.

Packaging is now more or less stable on the centos rpm side, so I can continue 
work on master and supply patches for 4.1



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:56 PM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: [ACS41] 4.1 branch moving to "limited updates only" after today
> Everyone should know this by now, but our schedule has us shifting to a
> model where we limit the commits going into the 4.1 branch to a very few.
> Now we have some serious bugs still outstanding, which is challenging to say
> the least.  That being said, I'd suggest that we don't change the plan.
> Stabilizing the 4.1 branch should be our focus, and that means that we have
> to be very selective about what commits go into it moving forward.
> I'll ask that, as of the end of the day today, anyone with a commit that they
> want cherry-picked into 4.1 (or a patch, if conflicts are expected) please 
> send
> an email to the list with the following tags:
> [ACS41][Patch Request] - Followed by a reasonable description (or the bug
> ID).
> I'll be watching the list and applying them as soon as I can.
> However - I'd suggest a couple of things:
> First, you need to *test* the fix.  I'd actually ask that we take this a bit 
> further
> than unit testing the fix.  If there's a bug reporter, give them the patch and
> have them build from 4.1 with the patch applied...
> before asking to move it into the branch officially.  This does effect the
> process that the Citrix QA team is used to following, but I think it's the 
> best
> option for us as a community.
> Second, I need help ensuring that the commit to cherry-pick applies cleanly
> to the 4.1 branch.  If you do the first thing, this should be easy...  but 
> I'll
> highlight this anyway.  If it's going to have conflicts, then you should be
> providing a patch that already deals with the conflicts.  Patches like this
> should be in the email itself, or in reviewboard.
> So this is what I'd *like* to see - starting tomorrow.
> Objections?  Comments?  Concerns?
> -chip

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