On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 10:42:23AM +0530, Sateesh Chodapuneedi wrote:
> Looking for best practice to follow when resolving a feature ticket in ASF 
> If a feature branch has QA and DOC sub task tickets which are still open and 
> development is complete, should the feature ticket kept open or 
> resolved/fixed?
> Or create another sub task for development mark that sub task as resolved? 
> Kindly suggest.
> Regards,
> Sateesh

IMO, we would create a "dev" sub-task and track completion of the code
there.  The parent should stay "in progress" until all sub-tasks are

If we don't do child development tasks, then I would still keep the
parent as "in progress" until docs and QA are done.  The feature isn't
*done* until it's tested and documented.


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