This is a big bug.  Have you filed jira issue?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kishan Kavala []
> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 5:44 AM
> To: ''
> Cc: Kelven Yang
> Subject: Action Events are not logged due to spring changes
> CS Events are triggered by ActionEvent annotation. ActionEvent annotations
> are in manager Impl. Spring proxies the interface and not the implementing
> class.
> Since there are no annotations at the interface level, needToIntercept
> method in ActionEventInterceptor always returns false.
> TransactionContextBuilder intercepts by getting the implementing class and
> going through all the methods in it to match the method name. Going
> through all the methods every time may not be efficient.
> There could be multiple methods with same name, so matching by method
> name could be error prone as well.
> This can be solved by moving all annotations to respective interfaces. But 
> this
> would mean, code changes at lot of places. Is there a better solution solve
> this?

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