On Mar 19, 2013, at 7:23 AM, Rohit Yadav <bhais...@apache.org> wrote:

> Writing a plugin and a new API for CloudStack is not difficult, we
> just need to put some content on our wikis; Do we want to release a
> new write a plugin or api video for 4.1+, I can volunteer?

Rohit, see my CS University wiki page.

There is a section in there for "API" and "plugins"

If you do this, could you do two separate screencasts and two separate slide 
decks ?

> I've updated the wiki: (read about the PluggableService design and how
> it helps ApiServer and ApiDiscoveryService)
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+API+Development
> There are only three steps:
> 1. Write your api cmd class with correct annotations
> (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Annotations+use+in+the+API)
> 2. Configure role based access in commands.properties.in
> 3. Your service should extend PluggableService. Add your api's cmd
> class to its implementation's getCommands() list of API classes. Make
> sure the service implementation is a Spring bean (put it either in one
> of the xmls or use the @Component annotation on the service impl).
> Note: In case you're adding an API to CloudStack server itself, add
> your API class in ManagementServerImpl's getCommands() list of APIs.
> Test with cloudmonkey!
> Cheers.

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