On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 5:25 AM, Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com> wrote:
> On 01/13/2011 06:05 PM, Manuel Klimek wrote:
>> I think that finding this file in the same spot relative to the base
>> build directory independently of the build system used will make it a
>> lot easier for tool-smiths / users to actually make use of it. If you
>> want to hide it away, I'd vote for a more build system independent
>> name than CMakeFiles.
> CMake used to write lots of files to the top of the build tree but many
> people complained about the verbosity, especially for in-source builds.
> Now we hide as many files as possible under CMakeFiles/ subdirectories.
> If the file must go in the top level then I'd prefer to enable it only
> optionally as discussed previously.

I'm fine with making it optional. Another option would be to make it
hidden, as we want tools and not users to interact with it. Your call.

>>> About the content of the json file: I suggest that each command also
>>> include a "language" field indicating "C", "C++", or "Fortran".
>> I'd rather keep it focused for now, and add additional things later if
>> you're ok with that.
> Okay.  Does JSON support any kind of schema?

Why would we need a schema? For documenation? Or do you plan to use
meta-tools on it?

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