On Wednesday 30 November 2011, Brad King wrote:
> On 11/29/2011 2:28 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> > ...a somewhat related idea: if it will be possible to set include
> > directories per target, and since it is already possible to set compile
> > flags per target, it would be nice if I could also set a property on
> > targets which keeps them from using the global settings at all.
> The design for the new INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property allows this.  After the
> last include_directories() call in a directory one may set the
> INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of any target to anything and overwrite
> whatever came from the directory.

Cool :-)

> In the current design the property is initialized when the target is
> created to the current directory-level value.  Then each additional
> include_directories() call appends to the dir-level value *and* the
> targets in the directory.  Perhaps the latter could be disabled by a
> property like you propose.

Especially I'd be interested in having that for the compile flags.
I'm not sure whether a "disable all global or directory level settings" would 
be enough or whether it should be fine-grained so that e.g. compile flags and 
include dirs could be disabled separately. Probably also link_directories() 
and link_libraries() (but they are more rarely used).


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