Am Mittwoch, 29. August 2012 um 18:53:51 schrieb Brad King:
> On 08/29/2012 05:43 AM, Benjamin Eikel wrote:
> > I have written a find module for the OpenGL Extension Wrangler (GLEW) [1]
> > library (see attachment). I tried to follow all the instructions that I
> > have found. I am willing to maintain that module.
> Great, thanks for your work!
> Please proceed through steps 5 and 6 here:
> You're welcome to work on other modules (like SDL) as well, but
> please bring up changes for discussion on the list with the
> current maintainer of each.
> > "glew.h" does not contain any version information.
> It looks like there are version "macros" that evaluate to runtime
> tests.  How is one supposed to do any preprocessor conditionals
> based on the version when using GLEW?

I do not know of any preprocessor tests. There is a possiblity at runtime to 
call "glewGetString(GLEW_VERSION)", but I think it would be too resource 
intensive to compile and run an application in the find module.

> > I could extract version information using PkgConfig, but I have in
> > mind that using PkgConfig is discouraged.
> There is nothing wrong with using PkgConfig when it is available,
> but it does not work for all toolchains on all platforms we support.
> -Brad

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