Hallo everybody,

may I have two more simple questions about CMake and SWIG module?

The first is connected to the setting of SWIG parameters - when I create wrapper for Java, I need to set -package <name> to SWIG.

It is impossible to set is as:


as it is replaced by "-package\ my_package" in the call of SWIG. Moreover, it overwrites all previous definitions of "PROPERTIES SWIG_FLAGS". There is possibility of using:

SET(CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS "-package my_package")

but if I understand it well, it swithes this parameter globally, for all swig calls (also when wrapping e.g. python). So, how to deal with this? Is there another way or is the second way correct?


The second question is about "cmake -E copy" command. I have notices that the use of wildcards is not possible in this command (event not documented?) - I need to copy all generated Java wrappign classes, but I cannot use the command "cmake -E copy source_dir/*.java destin_dir". I have solved it by "cmake -E chdir dir comand", but I have completely lost the platform independence.

I want kindly to ask you, if it would be possible to add support for wildcards in the "cmake -E copy" command (or mabye to the others as well?) - it will extend the abilities of the cmake while still be platform independent. Or can it be solved in another way?

I use CMake 2.2-1-beta (compiled by gentoo distro).

Thank you very much for your help.


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