It is probably possible as long as the directory structure is adhered
to.. that is the big thing.. Then we can just build in the paths to
the CMake files. Not the best solution, but would work.


On 8/21/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
E. Wing wrote:
> Anyway, I would really like to improve this current Makefile scheme if
> possible so it is more a one step build without the user having to
> intervene with setting environment paths or 'installing'.

Is that even technically possible in the underlying build dependencies?
For instance, if you wanted to avoid installing Chicken libraries and
just use them, it wouldn't work.  Chicken hardwires the build paths into
the libraries and exes, using substitutions at configure time.  Yeah, it
would be nicer if Chicken could be moved about and dynamically
configured from a file or something, but it's currently not capable of
that.  If the usage culture of OpenThreads and Producer is to install
and then use, you may be getting yourself into hot water by bucking
their practices.  As a groundwork for what you want, you may have to
work with those groups to change their practices.

Brandon Van Every

CMake mailing list

Mike Jackson
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