Alan W. Irwin wrote:
[The Autotools] help was much appreciated, but
still the necessity for that help and the other factors I have mentioned
made me uneasy about continuing to depend on autotools.

Yes, the Autotools have many liabilities. Most notably, they are built in layers, all with different design requirements and beholden to different legacy issues. It makes some things impossible to accomplish; one simply has to accept the known workarounds. The Autotools docs are evolved enough, that the workarounds are actually in the docs....

Then, I read the article ( by Alex on KDE's
switch from autotools to cmake.  That article really resonated with me
(especially the remarks about simple CMake syntax which every developer
would find it easy to understand) so I presented the possibility to the
PLplot development list of moving to a CMake build system. However, I got the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" standard reaction that Brandon noted
above.  Fortunately, I ignored that reaction.

One of the advantages of trying out CMake for an autotoolized project is the two build systems can coexist peacefully. Also, as Brandon noted the CMake syntax is really easy to learn so you can quickly show some results. So all
it really takes to start the move to cmake is just for one catalyst
developer for a project to be convinced enough to make a start.

I was that catalyst guy for PLplot. I started in early July soon after
Alex's article came out. I soon had a proof-of-concept CMake build for one of our simpler libraries,

Getting started with CMake is easy. It lulls people into a false sense of security about the amount of work involved... which from a CMake promotion standpoint, is a good thing. I'm cynical about what it takes to *finish* such jobs. In the absence of money, I wouldn't undertake it again.

and the whole project quickly snowballed with all
our active developers soon starting to contribute to our CMake build system.

Your dynamics are different because you got a snowball effect. What if you hadn't? What if you had been the only guy stuck with working on the build? There aren't enough developers working on the Chicken Scheme build to get any kind of snowball effect. Basically there's myself, Felix, and occasional patches from people who notice things that are wrong. I didn't get any snowball, I just trundled away for a long time. What I did get, however, was the buy-in of the principal author. So that with sufficient elbow grease, I could ensure that CMake would be the future and not Autoconf. So yes there's a future in CMake migrations, *if* you have the manpower to make the transitions.

I'd like to get automated Dashboard testing going for Chicken, but I don't want to lead it the way I led the build. Every time I bring this sort of thing up, crickets chirp. And, I'm quite sure there's a quorum of Chicken developers who actually care about automated testing. But nobody wants to do the work.

I wonder if this is all simply a function of project size, longevity, and the social relationships that are bred / culled from projects that survive a long time.

The result is that one week from now we plan to make a PLplot release
featuring the new CMake build system.  This new build system is already a
significant improvement on our old autotools-based and separate
windows-based build systems and is generating significant additional PLplot
developer activity because CMake is so easy to work with.  I think it is
fair to say this project succeeded beyond the wildest dreams I had in July
when I started it.

This example of how CMake has quite casually taken over one autotoolized
project reflects in my opinion the fact that we live in a chaotic world
where small positive actions often have large positive consequences. So in
such a world careful planning, discussion, and paying attention to
nay-sayers (who automatically always claim you have not done your planning carefully enough) can actually be counterproductive time wasting. Instead,
my advice is to take small positive actions ("show them the code") to see
what might happen whenever you have the opportunity to do so, and always try
to identify nay-sayers (those who seem to get a kick out of always being
negative) and ignore what they say.... :-)

I would have never undertaken the Chicken Scheme build without Felix's buy-in as a prerequisite. It sounds like you had some authority to make things happen in the PLplot project. Or at least, your findings would likely be taken seriously by a core group of programmers who knew your work. Not everyone is in that position.

Not everyone coughs up the initial labor either. It would be useful to track the status of CMake-ifying projects, to see who thrives and who dies out.

For the record, I crossed the finish line, then the proverbial medics carried me away on a stretcher. I'm strictly in maintenance mode; I don't plan to cough out new CMake code anytime soon. But, the groundwork I laid is thorough, so it's doing its job and getting extended. I just can't lay out that kind of labor anymore, not when it threatens the roof over my head. If I could magically track stuff, I'd love to track the monetization of CMake. Without $$$$$ life is hard. I see that as the main pitfall of open source. A lot of the projects don't make any $$$$$ for the people working on them, and a lot of the commercial marketplace doesn't respect tools with no $$$$$ attached to them.

Brandon Van Every

CMake mailing list

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