On 9/23/07, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, the one thing you should understand is that you do not need to
> create any makefile manually, cmake will create it for you!! That is
> the whole purpose of its existance.

Yes, CMake takes the manual labor to a higher level of abstraction.
You still write something that's "like a makefile," that's your
CMakeLists.txt.  But once you've written that, it will generate files
for dozens of different build systems.  You may have to insert some
system-specific code, it can't automagically do everything in the
universe for you.  For instance you might need IF(APPLE) or IF(UNIX)
or IF(WIN32) or IF(MSVC) or some such.  But mostly you can target
lotsa platforms, lotsa compliers, and lotsa build tools, all with 1

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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