On Dec 10, 2007, at 5:33 PM, Gonzalo Garramuño wrote:

I use my own variable -DCMAKE_BUILD_ARCH=32 to determine whether I am compiling 32-bits on a 64-bits machine.

The problem is that cmake now goes to check compiler and it runs Platform/UnixPaths.cmake without passing any of my variables to it (ie. CMAKE_BUILD_ARCH="").

CMake can be quite finicky about how variables are passed in from the command line. The correct syntax is:


Try: -DCMAKE_BUILD_ARCH:STRING=32 and see if you still have problems. If you don't see it on the very first page in ccmake, then it didn't pick it up properly.

Sadly, cmake doesn't give warnings or errors if the other form is used (-DVAR_NAME=VAL). It just behaves erratically.

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