Reggie Burnett wrote:

not sure I understand.  You are giving path names to visual studio but
if you are using vcbuild then you don't have vstudio on the box.  From
my understanding, you can install the windows sdk, take a visual
studio 2005 solution and feed it to vcbuild and it will read the
project files and build the project properly.  If there was a way to
just tell CMake to generate the visual studio project files without
first checking that vstudio exists.  Sort of a "trust me" flag.

Or perhaps you can better explain your comment.  Are you saying that I
would need to rebuild cmake or just feed these into my generation

No, a trust me flag is not needed. We need to modify CMake to figure out and use the command line of vcbuild to build a project. CMake can be programmed to know about vcbuild as well as devenv for building projects.

If the vcbuild command line is the same as devenv all you would have to do is set this cache variable:


However, my guess is that it is different. If you want to try to modify the code, look in

std::string cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator::GenerateBuildCommand

and in

All that said, you do know that you can run nmake from the command line with the sdk only system.


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