On Monday 19 May 2008 12:46:04 pm Tanguy Krotoff wrote:
> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 8:20 PM, Alexander Neundorf
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you don't want that you don't have to use UseQt4.cmake and use
> > FindQt4.cmake directly.
> > There you have fine grained control over that.
> I want to use UseQt4.cmake since it defines important things:
> - add ${QT_QTMAIN_LIBRARY} if under Windows
> - all the -DQT_GUI_LIB, -DQT_CORE_LIB...
> I was not using UseQt4.cmake until I encounter some issues under MinGW
> as QT_DEBUG/QT_NO_DEBUG were not defined.
> Probably QT_DEBUG/QT_NO_DEBUG should be moved to FindQt4.cmake as it
> is important.
> The only problem with UseQt4.cmake is the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES() which
> increases compilation time.

Can you explain why?
Is it because you have dependent modules that you don't use directly, that 
need to be turned on for linking?

In the past, I've thought of modifying UseQt4.cmake to partially turn on 
dependent modules automatically (for linking), which would allow not having 
as many include directories.

This would allow for behavior closer to what qmake does.


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