Phil Smith wrote:
OK, next issue. I'm following (or trying to) the cross-compiler page.
Since the same source tree is to be used to generate Win32 and z/OS, I
think I want to tell it "This is a z/OS run" using a flag. I thus
created zcmake.bat:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:string="zos.cmake"
-DCMAKE_GENERATOR:internal="Unix Makefiles"

The reason for the second -D is because otherwise it seemed to assume

Visual Studio no matter what. And since Visual Studio *is* correct when
building Win32, I don't want to change the CMakeLists.txt.

You should be using out of source builds.

mkdir win32
cd win32
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:string="../myproject/win32.cmake" -G"Unix Makefiles"

cd ..
mkdir zOS
cd zOS
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:string="../myproject/zos.cmake" -G"Unix Makefiles"

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