Hi all,
I have some probably easy to answer questions, nevertheless I found no answer on the web yet. And I dont want to start separate threads because I think there will be one word only answers :) * can CMake handle multiple make processes or any other strategy to make use of multiple processors? Does that depend on the underlying build system? I use VS8, nmake and make..

Depends on the build system. nmake will not do that. For VS8, you either have to use the IDE, or use gmake with "Unix Makefiles". You should install cygwin, then do not install the cygwin make, but put this
one in the bin directory for cygwin:


Then make -j N should work fine.
* is there a way to surpress echoing the command line instructions? I have already set CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE to OFF but this works for me only with
  the Make target but not with KDevelop3 or nmake
KDevelop3 turns on verbose so it can parse the output.

* does anyone know a nice IDE for windows (e.g. visual studio) which can handle CMake output and cross compiling (cross compiling doesn't work for Visual Studio, does it?)

You could try Eclipse.

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