Hendrik Sattler wrote:
Am Thursday 18 September 2008 15:18:46 schrieb Bill Hoffman:
cyril_wobow wrote:
Have you tried the following
SET (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-mcpu=arm7tdmi" "-std=gnu99"
"-fgnu89-inline" ... "-DNDEBUG")

That won't work.  It will create a list of items and it needs to be a
big string.

Exactly why is it not possible to give a cmake list of options to property like COMPILE_FLAGS and LINK_FLAGS? CMake kindof should know that those flags cannot be given as e.g. "-Wall;-W". Or is there any known case where this would make sense?

Just an oversight. Brad has something in CVS CMake that will allow this. But, for all released versions of CMake, this is how it is.

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