John Drescher wrote:
But then with this setup cmake-2.6.3 is scanning my vc6 headers and
libs to generate vc2005 projects.

This has not caused me any problems but I am unsure if checks like
partial template specification are being used or is this part of cmake
not really used if I use the .sln and vcproj that cmake generates?

You lost me...  Why is anything scanning the incorrect headers????

When I run cmake-gui from the link on my desktop and select vc2005 as
the compiler for the project it shows me in the debug output window of
cmake-gui that it is using VC6 as the compiler and doing tests for crt
functionality, templates and stl ... All of this appears to be done on
the VC6 libraries and headers and not the vs2005 ones.

If you select "Visual Studio 8 2005" as a generator, it should not use VC6. Please make sure you start with an empty binary directory, with no CmakeCache.txt file.

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