BRM wrote:
How about:

# Each variable can have a registered filter name - packages/programs/libraries 
would use their name
cmake_autoheader_add_variable(has_some_other_package, filter_name)
# user controls what the output file is
#     User can generate a C #define method (default method if no language is 
cmake_autoheader(C, path/to/cmake/autoheader_output.h [filter_name_list])
#    User can generate a C++ const methods
cmake_autoheader(CXX, path/to/cmake/autoheader_output.hpp [filter_name_list])

- if filter name list is not provided, all entries are entered into the header 
- if filter is list is provided:
     - if name listed and is preceeded by an exclamation (!) then that name is 
not entered
     - if name is listed then it is entered
     - if name is not listed, then it is not entered

Likely it would be good to have a parameter that would specify the default 
behavior of the filter list - enter or not enter - for names not listed.
I think a default of 'not enter' would be good if the list is being provided, 
and this could be overridden and then the list becomes a 'not enter' list.


# package defines its own automatically
find_package(some package)
   if (some_package_found)
       -> cmake_autoheader_add_variable(has_some_package, some_package)
# user can add it too
cmake_autoheader_add_variable(has_some_other_package, some_other_package)

# user controls what the output file is
#     User can generate a C #define method (default method if no language is 
cmake_autoheader(C, path/to/cmake/autoheader_output.h some_other_package)
#    User can generate a C++ const methods
cmake_autoheader(CXX, path/to/cmake/autoheader_output.hpp some_package)

just another 2 cents...

I am not sure where things would be stored in this API?  Seems to global

Maybe the autoheader should be some sort of target...

cmake_add_autoheader(C /path/to/cmake/autoheader_output.h)
cmake_add_autoheader_variable(/path/to/cmake/autoheader_output.h VAR)


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