
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Romain CHANU <romainch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Regarding the FindJava.cmake, I have a couple of improvements to suggest:
> 1) I have noticed that there is no JAVA_FOUND variable in the current
> version (and your version).

I have not tested it, but it seems to me that
FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake is the one handling the setting of
this variable IMHO.

> 2) a JAVA_PATH (or another name) could also return the path where the Java
> executables are located.

$ cat Modules/readme.txt
XXX_EXECUTABLE          Where to find the XXX tool.
XXX_YYY_EXECUTABLE      Where to find the YYY tool that comes with XXX.

I decided to go for: Java_JAVA_EXECUTABLE / Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE/
Java_JAR_EXECUTABLE. It make it easier to write in a foreach loop. I
could leave them as such and add a Java_EXECUTABLE.

Comments ?
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