On 18. Dec, 2009, at 13:06 , Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Müller Michael <
> michael.muel...@dkfz-heidelberg.de> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> i am trying to include OpenCV 2.0 (which is using CMake now) in our
>> project. Therefore, I call FIND_PACKAGE(OpenCV 2 REQUIRED) in one of our
>> CMake files with the following result:
>> CMake Error at mitk/CMake/MITK_OpenCV_Config.cmake:2 (FIND_PACKAGE):
>> Could not find module FindOpenCV.cmake or a configuration file for package
>> OpenCV.
>> Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindOpenCV.cmake or set OpenCV_DIR to the
>> directory containing a CMake configuration file for OpenCV.  The file will
>> have one of the following names:
>>   OpenCVConfig.cmake
>>   opencv-config.cmake
>> ...
>> The file OpenCVConfig.cmake exists and I provide an ENV variable OpenCV_DIR
>> pointing to the correct dir which CMake should find. However, even if I set
>> OpenCV_DIR manually in the cache, CMake keeps failing.
>> Any ideas?
> As the error message says, you should use  CMAKE_MODULE_PATH (and not
> OpenCV_DIR) to specify the path where OpenCVConfig.cmake is located.
> OpenCV_DIR is most probably used to specify where OpenCV is installed when a
> nonstandard path is used.
> HTH,
> Adolfo
>> Greets
>> Michael

No, that's not accurate. If you read the documentation, you will see that 
CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is used for INCLUDE() and FindXXX.cmake stuff. Probably it 
will also find OpenCVConfig.cmake, but it really should work with OpenCV_DIR, 
as this is also documented in the FIND_PACKAGE documentation (however, most 
people ever read that far...). There must be something else going wrong here...

Michael, have you tried it without the version number?

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