I can think of two possibilities:

1. The output is slightly different than your regular expression in some
invisible way. For example, maybe it's "arg1: 0\targ2: another", with a tab
in there rather than an explicit space.

2. The output is on stderr, rather than stdout. (I'm not sure if ctest will
look at stderr at all.)

Also, might something else in your CMakeLists.txt be overriding the
tests_properties for test4?

aka Chris Hillery

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 6:59 AM, AlannY <m...@alanny.ru> wrote:

> Hi there. I'm trying to write some tests for my library with CTest.
> I have:
>    add_test (test4 test1 --test4)
>    set_tests_properties (test4 PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "arg1: 0
> arg2: another")
> The output of program is:
>    arg1: 0 arg2: another
> When I'm running "make test":
>    4/ 54 Testing test4                         ***Failed Required regular
> expression not found.Regex=[arg1: 0 arg2: another
> ]
> Where is error? Why is regular expression is not matched?
> Thanks for patience.
> --
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