2010/8/5 Magnus Therning <mag...@therning.org>:
> I'm currently using CPack to build binary RPMs, is there a way to also
> generate a source RPM?

Not yet...with CPackRPM.

Building  a source RPM with CMake/CPack is not as easy as building a
binary RPM. Because currently the spec file used to build a binary RPM
is a "short-cutted" one:
   - the %prep step is a simple move of directory
   - the %build is void (because CMake BUILDTOOL should have already done
     the build
   - the %install is a simple move too (because CPack did the install
on it's own)

This is due to the fact that when you call CPack,
   - CMake has been called
   - The software has been built
   - CPack will call install for you BEFORE calling the CPackRPM generator
   in the end CPackRPM "just" have to package the "already built and
installed file".

In a source RPM you should specify the steps (%prep, %build, %install)
what CMake/CPack usually do.  So basically the RPM spec file to use
for building a source RPM won't be the same as the one used to build
the current binary RPM.

So implementing a "Source RPM" generator is doable,
and in fact it was done in the UseRPMTools.cmake macro
which is the ancestor of CPackRPM.

The drawback of the old UseRPMTools is that even for a binary RPM
it will redo all the steps including calling CMake etc...

Why do you need to build a Source RPM with CPack ?
What is your usage pattern?

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