On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Michael Jackson <
mike.jack...@bluequartz.net> wrote:

> Clean out your build folder first.
> export BOOST_ROOT=/home/kknox/sdk/boost_1_44_0
> ==> that needs to be an actual "installation", a staged area will probably
> NOT work to find boost as FindBoost is looking for a very specific path
> within BOOST_ROOT and if that path is NOT found then it will probably fall
> back on the system paths.

FindBoost.cmake in CMake 2.8.3 supports a new option to prevent searching
the system paths.  You should enable it if you are 100% sure that you will
never want to find something outside of BOOST_ROOT, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, etc.

There was a bug related to not finding Boost libraries in a staging area.  I
believe this works now.

Also, take a moment and set this new variable appropriately (nearly all
users will want it to be OFF)

Philip Lowman
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