On 12/06/2010 at 12:33, David Cole <david.c...@kitware.com> wrote: 
> Wow!
> I wondered why all the responses here started with "wow" and then I
> clicked through to see for myself this morning.

Thank you all for your positive feedback, it is appreciated.

> This is a *great* page. Phenomenally complete summary. Is it going to
> be easy to add a column for CMake 2.8.4 after its release? Or is it
> going to be painful?

Wiki-wise it's easy to add another column, although time-consuming.
The best way to do this is to copy the wiki-code into a text-file
and then add a new column using a sensible text-editor.
You can use a regex to do this:
sed 's/^\(| [^|]*$\)/\1\n| style="background:green;" | X/'

Afterwards, you would add new rows (this is less hassle, just copy an 
existing block) and adjust the values in each row.

> Can you describe how much effort this took on your part? (Number of
> hours estimate?)

I did it in my free time (obviously), so I didn't do any accounting.
I would estimate that it took about 8-12 hours (including breaks).

The time should scale pretty much linearly, so adding a new version
should take about an hour or so (depending on the number of changes).

> Can you contribute your helper scripts to the CMake code base itself?
> (Somewhere under CMake/Utilities perhaps...)

Sure, no problem. I don't have write-access to the code base, though.
I'll just send it to you, if that's ok...


Johannes Zarl
Virtual Reality Services

Johannes Kepler University

Altenbergerstrasze 69
4040 Linz, Austria
Phone: +43 732 2468-8321

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