On 12/21/2010 04:13 PM, Pere Mato Vila wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I am trying to build shared libraries on Windows exporting all symbols. 
> This is as an alternative of instrumenting the code with dllimport/dllexport 
> declarations. For this I do build first a static library from which I get all 
> the defined symbols to write a .DEF file which is then used to build the 
> shared library. The CMake code (using version 2.8.3)  looks like this:
> add_library( ${library}-static STATIC ${sources} ) 
> add_custom_command( OUTPUT {library}.def COMMAND <using ${library}-static> 
> DEPENDS ${library}-static )
> add_library(${library} SHARED ${library}.def)
> target_link_libraries(${library}  ${library}-static ${other-libs} )
> set_target_properties(${library} PROPERTIES LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES 
> ${other-libs})
>    This works just fine when using the nmake generator. The library is 
> created and has all the symbols are exported as desired. But, when using 
> Visual C++ 2008 express edition I get the following error message:
> 1>.\mylib.dir\Debug\mylib.dll.intermediate.manifest : general error c1010070: 
> Failed to load and parse the manifest. The system cannot find the file 
> specified.
>   The problem is that the shared library has been defined without any 'real' 
> source file (only the .def file is declared) and somehow the generated code 
> does not produce the required manifest file. Does anybody see a problem with 
> these kind of constructs?  Should it just work from within the IDE? 
>   Experimentally I have found a workaround, which consists in adding a dummy 
> source file in the shared library definition. 
> ...
> file( WRITE ${library}.cpp "// empty file!!!\n" )
> add_library( ${library} SHARED ${library}.cpp ${library}.def)
> ... 
> I have also noticed that the dependency of the shared library to the .def 
> file is also missing. This is, newer versions of the .def file does not 
> trigger a re-build of the shared library. 

AFAIK, this is because CMake does not know how to handle a .def file
for incorporation in the target, i.e. ${library}.def has no LANGUAGE
property. Thus, its inclusion in the target's sources results in the
execution of the custom command only. Perhaps, you can enhance your
workaround with the dummy ${library}.cpp as follows:

    OUTPUT {library}.def
    COMMAND <using ${library}-static>
    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${library}.cpp
    DEPENDS ${library}-static

This would invalidate ${library}.cpp each time ${library}.def is
regenerated, so the dummy is recompiled and ${library} relinked.



PS: Don't write to the source directory with FILE(WRITE ...) or the like.
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