On 01/06/2011 05:47 PM, Samuel Crow wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Michael Wild <them...@gmail.com>
>> To: cmake@cmake.org
>> Sent: Thu, January 6, 2011 10:16:28 AM
>> Subject: Re: [CMake] Possible bug in XCode backend and proposed workarounds
>> On 01/06/2011 05:02 PM, Samuel Crow wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've  built LLVM 2.9SVN successfully with CMake under XCode but had some 
>>>  workarounds needed to get to that point.
>>> 1.  Building in  debug mode there was one archive file dependency that 
>>> looked 
>> for 
>>> the  release folder instead of the debug folder.
>> I suspect the error is in the  CMakeLists.txt of the LLVM project.
> Óscar Fuentes (the CMake build script maintainer of LLVM) said that all of 
> the 
> Windows and Linux backends generated debug builds without any side-tracks. 
>  That's why he suggested that I post here.

Ok, then this needs more investigation. I still suspect the problem is
in the CMakeLists.txt, but not in an obvious way.

>>> 2.  The install target  failed to put a sudo -A in front of it.  This is 
>> required 
>>> even  when logged in as administrator on the Mac.
>> Do you really want to install  into the system from Xcode??? Do normal
>> Xcode projects allow this (I never  tried, and probably never will)?
>> Would this even be desirable?
>> The  proper thing to do would be to build a package, and then install
>> that into  the system.
> In LLVM, targets are defined for every Makefile-style target.  This is useful 
> when installing debug builds into the system for use with all of the other 
> software that uses LLVM.  Again, if there are issues with the way that you'd 
> have to ask Óscar Fuentes.  I suspect that the problem is that he was 
> migrating 
> from an Autotools environment and desired to do so with minimum disruption to 
> the rest of the people that still use the Autotools install scripts.

No, what I meant is whether it is desirable to be able to install into
the system "from within Xcode", that's all.

>>> 3.  Since there is no console input source  available in XCode, a small 
>>> executable was needed to accept the  password and echo it to stdout for the 
>> sudo 
>>> -A flag to use.  I've  written such a requester box code in Qt and would be 
>>> willing to share  with the CMake team if desired.
>> Wouldn't that be easier with a small  applescript (subject to my
>> reservations from 2.)?
> It would be if I knew the slightest amount of AppleScript.  As it was, the 
> choices I was aware of were Apple's Interface Builder and Objective C (which 
> I 
> don't know); and Qt and C++ (which I do know).

Fine with me; I always hated AppleScript. Descipable, incomprehensible


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