On 01/21/2011 04:41 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Friday 21 January 2011, Michael Hertling wrote:
>> On 01/20/2011 07:01 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>> On Sunday 09 January 2011, Michael Hertling wrote:
> ...
>>>>> I don't really understand why you want to get the LOCATION from your
>>>>> target, anyway, the get_target_property works fine if you use
>>>>> set_target_properties before it. [...]
>>>> ...but SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES() doesn't work fine if it's used after
>>>> GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(), even if both operate on different properties.
>>> Well, they are not completely different.
>>> If I remember correctly, the LOCATION property is "calculcated" when you
>>> query it. I think it changes some internal variables. Apparently to a
>>> state where setting the target property afterwards doesn't have the
>>> desired effect anymore :-/
>> So, what's your conclusion in this matter? Should the behavior in
>> question be considered as a bug or is it alright? IMO, such a subtle
> IMO looks quite obvious like a bug. I just wanted to say that there is some 
> connection between the properties.

While this issue with the LOCATION/LOCATION_<CONFIG> properties has
been clarified in #11671 in the meantime, I wonder whether there're
more interconnections of that kind among other properties, just to
be mindful of them when they emerge. So, does anybody have some
information on this?


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